Spanish in Wolverhampton

Martin Relph B.A., M.A., IOL Dip. Spanish, Cert. Ed.
Della Rainey B.A. (Hons) Language Studies with French and Spanish
Telephone: 07892 932381 for general queries
For Spanish Beginners enquiries, contact Della Rainey.
For all other course enquiries, contact Martin Relph.

Do you want to become fluent in Spanish?
Being able to think in Spanish is an important step to becoming fluent. You will never become fluent if you are constantly trying to translate from English to Spanish in your head. It is important to remember that perfect word-for-word translations often don't exist so you need to get out of the habit of translating everything and start thinking in Spanish. Here are 7 tips to help you to think in Spanish.
7 tips to help you to start thinking in Spanish
Use associations instead of translations. When you see objects in your home and when you are out and about, make the connection with the Spanish words for the things you see around you. For instance, when you see a window, think ventana.
Talk to yourself in Spanish and hold internal conversations with yourself as you go about your day-to-day activities. Just practise using the words and phrases you already know.
Listen to music in Spanish. Learn the lyrics to songs. Sing the songs in your head or out loud. Apart from getting you to think in Spanish, this will also improve your pronunciation.
Read in Spanish. This can be anything such as newspapers, magazines, novels or poems. The important thing is to read material that interests you personally. Read out loud, if at all possible, to improve your pronunciation.
Watch Spanish language TV programmes. Netflix has a wide range of Spanish language TV programmes and films with subtitles available in either English or Spanish. There is also a Chrome extention, called Language Learning with Netflix that enables you to see both Spanish and English subtitles simultaneously.
Write in Spanish. Unless you consider yourself to be bilingual, do not try to compose text from scratch, otherwise you will end up thinking in English. The scribe exercises in Yabla are the best tool for this purpose. These will allow you to watch videos, listen to native speakers and type what you hear.
Talk to native speakers. To do this, you will need to make friends with native speakers either online or locally to chat with native speakers who live in your area.